The school believes in the worth and uniqueness of every child. We help the young minds widen their horizons to learn and think for themselves. We strive to inculcate in them certain moral, social and intellectual values through proper guidance and quality education.

The overall objectives of the school are to develop the following qualities in its students-
(i) Self respect and respect for the rights of others.
(ii) Honesty, Sincerity, Generosity and Tolerance.
(iii) Courage to face reality, Optimism and dignity of labour.
(iv) A deep sense of commitment of Justice and Equality.
(v) Quest for knowledge through observation, exploration, analysis and evaluation.

To meet these objectives, a proper environment is created in which the young minds develop their personal and social virtues through discipline and loving guidance.

Our School computer Lab is well equipped with modern computers to provide our students.
The school has a spacious library for all bonafide students of the school to read magazines, story books, Newspapers etc.
The School has well equipped laboratories for different streams of science with excellent facilities for practical work.
S.S. Gyan Bharti Benipatti,The School has its own bus service for the students of distant places
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